Testing is a tool with many purposes.  Of course, tests measure how much a student has already learned about a school subject. They also show areas of strengths, which can lead to presenting more challenging work, as well as areas of weakness, which would require more review and different methods of teaching.  But testing IS so much more.  Following are additional reasons to test your student(s):
  • To increase self confidence of test taking in different environments
  • To confirm readiness for a subject to be taught on the next grade level
  • To track growth from year to year
  • To get guidance for lesson planning and textbook choices*
  • To help choose appropriate reading level materials*
  • To satisfy state guidelines or those of your accountability organization
  • To get an understanding of specific strengths/weaknesses
  • To assess subject mastery skill by skill
  • To help students become more familiar with testing in the presence of an independent administrator
  • To prepare students along the way for testing required for college entrance, (PSAT/ACT/SAT) scholarships, etc.
  • To prepare students to take driver’s tests, or entrance tests to other academic institutions should they be placed in those situations in the future
  • To prove grades for student insurance discounts
  • To meet the requirements for students to become a member of the Honor Society
  • To qualify students to participate in the Duke TIP program
  • To help solidify one of your reasons to homeschool
*For assistance in guidance in the areas of curricula choices, please contact us.
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